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Practice staff

Mrs Debbie Steele, female

Mrs Debbie Steele is our Practice Manager, and is responsible for running the day to day affairs of the surgery, and looking after our staff.

She can be contacted if you wish to pay us a compliment or make a complaint about any aspect of practice life. At Eden Court we take all types of feedback very seriously, and are committed to dealing with complaints in an honest, open and prompt matter. Forms to register a compliment or complaint can be obtained from reception or, they can be completed online.

The practice manager is involved in managing all of the business aspects of the practice such as making sure that the right systems are in place to provide a high quality of patient care, human resources, finance, patient safety, premises and equipment and information technology. The practice manager supports the GPs and other medical professionals with delivering patient services and also helps to develop extended services to enhance patient care.


Robyne, female

Reception Manager

Lucy, female


Rachel, female


Sharon, female


Jo, female


Tina, female


Amelia, female


Casey, female


Sarah Jane, female


Hayley, female


Gracie, female


Receptionists provide an important link for patients with the practice and are your initial contact point for general enquiries. They can provide basic information on services and results and direct you to the right person depending on your health issue or query. Receptionists make most of the patient appointments with the GPs and nurses. They also perform other important tasks such as issuing repeat prescriptions and dealing with prescription enquiries, dealing with financial claims, dealing with patient records and carrying out searches and practice audits.