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Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.

Some of the special clinics and services available are:

  • minor operations
  • diabetes management
  • immunisation clinics
  • travel vaccines and advice
  • asthma clinics
  • COPD clinics
  • alcohol support services
  • citizen’s Advice Bureau
  • drug addiction

Anticoagulation clinic

We host an anticoagulant service which is open to our own patients, or to those who live locally and would find attending this clinic convenient. A GP referral is needed for new patients to be seen in this clinic.

Over the coming weeks we hope to add more details about these clinics and services, and how you may be able to access them. In the meantime please ask at reception if any clinics are of interest to you.

Family planning and sexual health clinic

We host a fully equipped family planning and sexual health clinic, with appointments available via reception.

We offer an extensive range of contraception options, including coil and implant fittings and removals, emergency contraception and full sexual health screening and advice.

This service is confidential, and is available both to our registered patients, but also to people who are not registered at Eden Court as permanent patients.

If you have been advised by the surgery to submit a contraceptive pill review, please complete our online contraceptive pill review form.


Screening means looking for a disease at an early stage so that it can be treated before it goes on to cause illness.

At Eden Court we take part in a number of screening programmes and we encourage patients in the appropriate groups to take part.

We have 5 main screening programmes:

Cervical cancer (smear test)

  • Cervical screening (a smear test) checks the health of your cervix. The cervix is the opening to your womb from your vagina.
  • It’s not a test for cancer, it’s a test to help prevent cancer.
  • All women and people with a cervix aged 25 to 64 should be invited by letter.
  • During the screening appointment, a small sample of cells will be taken from your cervix.
  • The sample is tested for changes to the cells of your cervix.
  • Finding abnormal changes early means they can be monitored or treated so they do not get a chance to turn into cervical cancer.
  • You will be informed by letter of your results.

For more details visit screening.

Mammograms (breast cancer)

  • Breast screening is currently offered to women aged 50 to their 71st birthday in England.
  • You’ll first be invited for screening between within 3 years of your 50th birthday.
  • You may be eligible for breast screening before the age of 50 if you have a very high risk of developing breast cancer.
  • If you’re 71 or over, you’ll stop receiving screening invitations.
  • You can still have screening once you are 71 or over if you want to, and can arrange an appointment by contacting your local screening unit or by asking at the surgery.

Bowel cancer screening (FIT test)

  • All men and women aged 60 to 74 who are registered with a GP in England are automatically sent a bowel cancer screening kit every 2 years.
  • Make sure your GP has your correct address so your kit is posted to the right place.
  • If you’re 75 or over, you can ask for a kit every 2 years by phoning the free bowel cancer screening helpline on 0800 707 60 60.
  • NHS screening kits are not available for people under 60.

Aortic aneurysms

  • In England, screening for AAA is offered to men during the year they turn 65.
  • Men aged 65 or over are most at risk of AAAs. Screening can help spot a swelling in the aorta early on when it can be treated.
  • Screening for AAA isn’t routinely offered to women, men under 65 and people who’ve already been treated for an AAA. This is because the risk of an AAA is much smaller in these groups.
  • You can ask for a scan to check for an AAA if you think you might need one but haven’t been offered a screening test.
  • If you’re a man and you’re registered with a GP, you’ll get a screening invitation in the post when you’re 64 or soon after your 65th birthday. You can then arrange an appointment that suits you.
  • If you’re a man over 65 and you haven’t been screened before, you can ask for a test by contacting your local AAA screening service directly.

Chlamydia screening (brown box)

We offer free chlamydia screening for people aged 16 to 25. Ask at reception (or during your consultation) for a brown box which contains all the necessary kit.

Once completed, simply return the kit via a Royal Mail post box.