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Frequently asked questions

Can I register at the practice if I live out of your area?

Thank you for choosing Eden Court as your GP practice. If you live outside our area then you can be registered as part of the ‘GP Choice Scheme’ which allows patient to register at a general practice of their choice even if they live outside of the usual GP boundary area.

Being part of this scheme does not change the services you can expect to receive from Eden Court. However, because you live outside of our boundary we cannot provide home visits for you. If, in an emergency, you feel that a GP is needed during our usual opening ours, you have to call 111 and let them know you are part of the GP Choice Scheme so that an appropriate review can be arranged.

If you receive more than one home visit or you are likely to need ongoing home visits, we would ask that you register with a more local practice and we would need to remove you from our list. This is to ensure you receive safe care in a timely fashion

Can I make debit/credit card payments at Eden Court?

Yes, we now accept all major credit and debit cards, and have contactless payment option for sums up to £30.

Do I need to see a doctor in order to see a physiotherapist?

No, you can self refer to the physiotherapy department. Forms can be collected from reception.

When do I need to give my employer a fit note (med 3 / sick note)?

If you’re off work sick for less than seven days, your employer should not ask for medical evidence that you’ve been ill. You can complete a self certification of illness via

If you are off work sick for more than seven days, your employer will usually ask you to provide proof that you’ve been ill in which case you will need to contact your GP.

If your employer demands a sick note for the first 7 days of illness, please speak with a GP as it may be possible to issue a private sick note (fee applicable).

Do I need a “fit to return to work note” after a sick note?

No, this is not required. If your employer wishes for you to have a specific assessment before returning to work they can arrange this via their occupational health provider.

Can I have a letter for my child’s school to state that they have seen a doctor / explain why they are off school?

We do not offer a letter for school sickness / absence. If your child’s school is particularly worried about their health and feel that information from their GP would be beneficial, please ask them to contact us in writing with your written consent and we will endeavour to help.​

Do I need a letter from the GP for my Personal Independence Payment (PIP) application?

We do not issue letters for PIP applications as you do not need a specific letter from your GP for this application. “Supporting evidence” includes any letters that you have received in the past from the hospital / surgery. If the PIP team need any further information from us, they are welcome to contact us directly.

I have been referred to Good Hope Hospital, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital or Solihull Hospital, but haven’t heard about my appointment. How can I chase this?

Please allow two weeks from the date of referral to receive confirmation of you appointment. If you haven’t heard, call 0121 424 1234.

If you have been referred as a “two week wait” patient, you should contact 0121 424 5000 if you haven’t heard after one week.

Do I need a doctors’ letter to apply for a disability bus pass or for a blue badge for parking?

No, you can apply directly for these items if you fit the criteria that are required, and do not need a supporting letter from your doctor.

To apply for a blue badge, please visit

To apply for a bus pass, please visit